Project: TERM Publications

Custom, Responsive Website Design & Development + Ecommerce + SEO Support for Term Publications

Term Publications was founded in 1994 by Abbotsford police officers Daffydd Herman and Spencer Tucker. As active officers doing traffic stops on a wide variety of commercial traffic, the two saw a need for a single reference document that incorporated information from the Motor Vehicles Act, the Commercial Transport Act, the Passenger Transportation act, and others. Their easy to use and cost-effective document caught on and has been used by enforcement in the province ever since.

The brand new, responsive website includes a full e-commerce set up (products, payment gateway, shopping cart and checkout), custom secure area, various custom modules and more!

A few images from the project.

TERM PublicationsTERM PublicationsTERM Publications

Details about this project:

Kind words...


A3 Creative Solutions complete exceeded my expectations!! 'Responsive' doesn't cover the wondering customer care. Website and service continue to be a positive and cost effective way to build my brand and sell, sell, sell! Heather TERM Publications.

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